重量控制器-義大利原裝進口 重量控制器 CPWE-Belt BACK
重量控制器 CPWE-Belt
※ 25個防水按鍵
※ IP65前置面板,可抵禦粉塵跟潑水
※ 內建RTC(RealTimeClock)
※ 10000e,或多量程2x3000e @ 0.3uV/d
※ 顯示解析度達1,000,000,內部解析度達3,000,000點
※ 可設定8個線性校正點
※ 24Bit A/D轉換,最高速度達200次/秒
※ 最多可連接8個內阻250 Ohm的荷重元
※ 8-40Vdc電源供電
※ 工作溫度:-10-40度
※ 2 selectable operation modes:
-Instantaneous reading of the flow, in kg/h or t/h with displaying of the status of the system and of the dosed total.
-Adjustment of the dosage hourly flow, in function of the pre-setted target, with PID algorithm.
※ Visualisation of the hourly flow graph and wide range of data displayed on the display
※ Calibration of the flow reading function, for controlling the dosage performances
※ Reading filter of the hourly flow with configurable incidence and speed depending on the system
※ Programmable dosage target upon weight or upon time, with relative contact
※ Programmable start dosage delay, for synchronisation of various E-BELT systems in the dosage of material mixtures
※ Management of the slow flow with programmable activation threshold, for more precise dosages
※ Management of the dosage total under way and general total of dosages, printable and clearable independently from each other
※ Management of the automatic dosage from remote master or through Profibus DP or Modbus RTU protocol
※ Printing of the dosage data and the total
※ Completely programmable printouts, for compatibility with any ASCII printer manageable through the serial port
8個輸入:12-24Vdc, 5mA-20mA(選配4輸出)
16個輸出:150mA 48Vac/150mA 60Vdc(選配8輸出)